Marajowi Donations,Fundraising,Our Causes,Presents,Yes we made it! Still remember the silent auction?

Still remember the silent auction?

A long time has passed, but do you still remember the Silent Auction? We organised it last year just before Christmas in order to be able to support the families of our kids for the festive season.

At the time of the Silent Auction, thanks to your generosity we had the richest fundraiser ever. Just to remind you…. we raised 1715 EUR (the highest amount even in a fundraiser by the way). These went to:

Bandawe School for the Hearing Impaired (where Malita stays). They got the equivalent of 190 EUR to guarantee a portion of meat per week for a full trimester for all the 66 students currently enrolled. We also transferred the equivalent of 300 EUR to be able to give all the 66 students, 3 glasses of milk per week. The rest of the week the students have access only to nsima (cassava flower) or beans. On rare occasions they get rice. So, though this might seem little, it actually is a great contribution to their diet.

Kattie, one of our girls. We used  271 EUR to pay her school fees for the next trimester. The silent auction was not originally meant to fund this, but since we don’t have sufficient funds for it at the moment, we thought we could make an exception.

all our kids (Ramos, Witness, Joyce, Kattie, Gift and Malita). They got an extra 15 EUR for Christmas. They used them for personal needs. On top of this we also prepared a box of clothes for them (like every year).

all the families of our kids. They received the equivalent of 30 EUR to buy some food for their Christmas celebrations.

Clement and his family. For them we had an extra rich allowance this Christmas, corresponding to 150 EUR. This was our way to show to Clement our gratitude to all what he does for and with the kids. Without him Marajowi would not be able to survive.  Clement has been trying to build a proper house for his family since long and also thanks to this donation, he managed to finalise it. The whole family has now moved in the new house.

Peter from the Saint Maria Goretti for the Visually Impaired. Peter is the principal in the school. In October, after a lot of efforts, he had to close down the section of the school who takes care of visually impaired children, because he had nothing to feed them with. With the issues going on at governmental level, state owned schools (like this one and Bandawe) are struggling to get their funds paid. Saint Maria Goretti received nothing this year. We sent a contribution of 100 EUR, for Peter to be able to support at least a few of his students and help them build some skills for their future lives.

In the coming days, some more about each of the items above.

Also many of the activities which were organised thanks to the Silent Auction were a real success and people enjoyed them. Some unfortunately are still pending because of the corona-related restrictions, but we will not forget them.

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