Marajowi News,Visiting Malawi Ready to Leave

Ready to Leave

Still a couple of days and we are off to Malawi. We are finally completely ready to leave.

Basically all the many items you have kindly donated for Marajowi are inside our bags. We have baby clothes, grown up clothes, stationery, small electronics…. Luckily this time we have a huge luggage allowance on the flight or we would not have managed!!!

Are we looking forward to reach Nkhata Bay? We can’t wait! Are we excited? Really a lot!

Many are asking us, what our plans are once there. First of all we do hope that the fuel crisis of the past days is over or at least less. Otherwise it will be difficult to get around. Then we are really looking forward to sitting together with Ramos and Joyce. We want to help Ramos make a good plan for his shop, now that he has so many cables and small electronic to sell. We do hope his shop will get the boost it needs and he will finally manage to be independent.

We also want to make sure there is a clear plan set out for and with Joyce before we leave again. We don’t want to run the risk that her family marries her off to some random person and all the efforts of these past years are vain.

Same goes for the plans with Malita, Katie and Gift. We will also have the opportunity to meet new people and to hug old ones, like Clement and his family.

All in all, a lot of plans and ideas we hope to make concrete, while having fun in Nkhata Bay. We will try and keep you as up to date as possible!

5 thoughts on “Ready to Leave”

  1. Dear Laura,

    Wishing you good times with the children and the locals and a safe time and flight!

    They must be thrilled to meet you all again!

    Warm regards,

    Arthur Houben

  2. Hi Laura,
    Most likely you and I as entrepreneurs are doing more or less the same: creating long term value.

    Just like you I am improving processes and projects within companies in order to enable them to become more future proof.
    For me this is (among other things) in the ara of strategy, business development, leadership development, marketing and sales, and sometimes more operational projects.

    Working with different people in different cultures gives me more perspectives.

    How are you doing with your own company?

    Kind regards,

    PS My phone number can be found on my LinkedIn-profile in case you feel a relation of you might benefit from meeting me.

    1. No, it bounced back…. here it goes (and my email is

      Hi ARthur,

      I answer here, since I think it is more appropriate than on the Marajowi blog 😉
      Glad to hear that you are doing fine with your own consultancy and for a wide range of activities. That’s nice!
      For me it is also all well, with projects focusing mostly on operations (especially late stage, like tech transfer and validations), but also relationship management, leadership development. On top of that I give some trainings every now and again.
      I will certainly keep your profile in mind if someone should ask. From your side, it would be nice if you can do the same. You have my contacts and you know how to reach me 😉

      Kind regards,

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