When at school Katie and Gift are storing all their belonging in a suitcase: this is their official storage place. A closet if you like.
The suitcases they have are completely worn out and they do need new ones. Unfortunately prices in Malawi have gone up once again. A new expand is between 140 and 180 thousands Kwacha. At today exchange rate that is between 76 an 98 EUR, a huge amount of money!!

We have tried and looked for cheaper alternatives, for example on Amazon, but we are not able to find a seller which ships to Malawi. Shipping from here will cost us approximately the same, so it doesn’t make sense. Without the suitcases, Katie and Gift are not able to store their belongings in a safe place. This means the clothes or books they have can easily get stolen.
Unfortunately, we had not planned for this extra expense, but we can’t avoid it or postpone it much. Hoping for a good hearted Santa out there….