Good luck Mtisunge

We always try our best at Marajowi, but sometimes all we can do is hope. This time we have to wish good luck to Mtisunge.

For the time we supported her, we had an excellent idea of her. Mtisunge seemed to be a very responsible and well determined young lady. We had explained to her very clearly that in order to be part of the Marajowi family she had to send us news on a more or less regular basis. Nothing fancy, just a few lines or a picture. Unfortunately the last time we heard of her was last April.  After that silence…We tried to contact her via telephone and via email, but we never received any answer (though we know she is perfectly fine).

A few days ago, we received a request for the funds for the new school year. Suddenly they were much higher than earlier. We were late with the payment and there was a fine to solve. We asked for clarifications, but again nothing.

At this time, we can only wish her all the best. From a sponsoring point of view, we need to close this relationship. At Marajowi we believe in transparency and close communication. Sending money to a black hole is not our habit and we are not going to start now. We are immensely sad, but we think we can’t do otherwise at this moment…

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