Marajowi Mission,Our Causes Glasses for Ramos

Glasses for Ramos

In a few days and for the first time in his life, Ramos will wear glasses.

Ramos has been complaining about not being able to see properly for a few weeks now. He was saying that he could not study well and had big headaches. Eventually we managed to arrange (via Clement) a visit at the eye doctor. He was examined and the result is that he will need glasses, since he can’t see properly from far.

Ramos was very discomforted by this news. Glasses are expensive, he was afraid not to be able to afford them. Moreover, he thinks he will get really ugly…. We were able to reassure him on the first part. If everything goes as planned, he will get glasses this week already. As for his looks, like everyone, he will have to get used at his face with glasses on. We are sure it will be fine eventually.

Some people lately asked us what unexpected expenses we had with Marajowi. Well, this is a good example of it! A visit to the doctor, plus transport and medications costed approximately 60 EUR. The new glasses will be approximately 70 EUR…. This was not in our budget yet, but will have to fit in it.

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