Marajowi The fundraising alphabet

The fundraising alphabet

We need you

By organising a fundraising event, you will contribute to give access to good quality education, proper nutrition and health to vulnerable children in Malawi. When organising the event you are totally free to decide how the money raised will be used. Marajowi uses 100% of your donations for the indicated scope. You don’t have to climb a mountain or run a marathon (although you can if you like!!), but we are sure there is a way to get you involved which will suit you. Below we have prepared for you a list of ideas. This is definitely not an exhaustive list. Remember that the most successful fundraising events come from the most unusual ideas, so get your imagination work!




  • Auction (a possible variation is a silent auction, which can be run completely online): for an auction to be successful the offered items have to be of good quality. However, don’t forget that you can also offer ‘promises’. Contact your network and see what they have to give: babysitting, (re)decorating, gardening, cooking, photography…
  • Art show: whether you are a marvellous artist or have a passion for the arts, you can use your interest to raise money to be donated to Marajowi.


  • Board games evening: organise a board games evening and ask participants who want to join to pay an ‘admission ticket’ to Marajowi.
  • Biking event: organize a biking race or tour and ask your friends and neighbours to sponsor you for each of the km covered.
  • Bring and buy sale: organise a bring and buy sale and ask a admission fee (or a percentage of their total sales) to the people actually selling items. You could sell handmade items, books, cakes, toys, DVD, basically any second hand items.
  • Birthday: donate your birthday to Marajowi, by asking your friends and families to make a donation to us, instead of buying you a gift. You could do the same for any other milestone or celebration in your life.


  • Cake sales: it is amazing how much this can raise. So enlist help with baking and don’t forget gluten free cakes!
  • Cleaning up sale: ask your friends and neighbours whether they have something in the attic they are willing to sell. They can donate to Marajowi all the money raised with their sales.
  • Christmas charity of the year: many companies give a yearly donation or ask their employees to donate an amount to a charity organization. Normally this happens around Christmas. Promote Marajowi to be the charity of choice within your organisation.
  • Custom calendars: compile and sell custom calendars. Start creating your calendars in the middle of the summer. In that way you will have plenty of time to advertise and sell them within your community before the new year starts.


  • Dinner: organize a dinner and ask all the guests to donate a set amount towards their dinner to Marajowi. You could even organise a theme dinner if you like.


  • Football match: organise a football event in favour of Marajowi. Contact us if you are in need of further ideas on how to manage this.


  • Give up: convince a friend to give up on smoking or on a particular food (chocolate?) for a given amount of time and donate the money saved to Marajowi.


  • Murder Mystery Evening: organise a board games evening and ask participants who want to join to pay an ‘admission ticket’ to Marajowi.


  • Running event: join a running event (eventually with a team) and ask your friends and family to sponsor you. The amount received can be dependent on the distance run or on the time needed to cover that distance.
  • Raffle: ask local shops if they can donate goods which can be used as prizes and sell raffle tickets around your neighbourhood.
  • Recipe book: if your loved ones enjoy cooking, you can compile and sell a book which comprises all your favourite recipes. For a bit of variety you can ask your community to contribute with their own recipe.


  • Swish party: people bring their old, but gently used clothes for swap. Charge them with an ‘admission fee’ to donate to Marajowi.
  • Sport event: organise a sport event and donate (part of) the submission fee to Marajowi.


  • T-shirts: ask a local shop to print a large amount of T-shirts of different sizes with a logo/image of your choice and sell them around. Profits can be donated to Marajowi.


  • Workshop: do you have any skills people might be interested in learning? Think of a particular recipe (food or cocktails) or anything else you like. Donate a couple of hours of your time to give this workshop and ask to the participants for a subscription fee. This subscription can be donated to Marajowi.
  • Wine tasting evening: organise a wine (but could also be beer or cocktails) evening and ask for an entry fee to be transferred to Marajowi.
  • Walkathons: if you like to walk, just set a time and a place and ask your peers to join you. You should specify that this is a special event and you can ask for a (free or pre-set) donation to be given on the same day.

Normally just one of the kids of a family can afford a school uniform and thus education

The problem of being albinos is a real one in Malawi. They are marginalised but luckily there are also special schools taking care of them