Marajowi is entirely dependent on the generosity of individual supporters. Choose today the gift you want to donate. Even a small 5 EUR donation can have a significant impact in the life of the Marajowi community.
Below a list of all the activities and kids we are currently sponsoring. We are always receiving extra requests for help especially from the Bandawe School of the Hearing Impaired or for siblings of the kids we support. This means that we can always use some extra help.
By now, Ramos and Joyce have. a shop, a copystery and a beauty saloon, respectively. They also can use extra help to buy supplies and stock their shops.
Good quality nearly new children’s clothes suitable for a warm climate, picture and reference books for primary school age groups and educational toys and games (but only in English!!) are all gratefully received in Malawi. Here they are distributed within the families of the children we support or to the Bandawe School for the Hearing Impaired. In all cases please keep in mind that we will have to ship these items.
Open donations can be used to cover all the extra and unexpected expenses we often have to face.
However, let’s not forget that the main goal of Marajowi is to provide education, so that these children can eventually become independent (like Ramos and Wit are now). It is essential for them to understand they should not rely entirely on others for the rest of their lives, but do their own best to achieve their dreams. However, it is also realistic to say they do need help.
Check more in details our current financial situation