Malita has always been a particularly challenging case and continuously went through a lot of difficulties both at home and at school. Her disabilities being the cause of everything. Finding

Malita has always been a particularly challenging case and continuously went through a lot of difficulties both at home and at school. Her disabilities being the cause of everything. Finding
Less than a month and we will be in Malawi hugging our kids again! We are looking forward to spending time together, enjoying the blue waters of Lake Malawi and
It took almost 2 months for these two boxes to reach Nkhata Bay. The heavy rains of a few weeks ago didn’t help and clearance at the border also took
A few months ago, we ran a fundraiser ‘Turning Bottles into Milk‘. It was a successful one and the students of the Bandawe School for the Hearing Impaired enjoyed enormously
After a particularly long school year, it is finally time for a school holiday. All our kids left their schools and reached their respective homes. They are all tired and
Domestic accidents are a problem everyone, even more in Malawi where everything is so basic. Favour, Clement’s daughter, got burnt while cooking porridge, it just fell on her leg. Luckily
It was a long journey but Ramos and Wit are now ready to start their professional life. After completing secondary education, in the past few months, they also completed a
Also this year we put up our little stand during the Queen’s day market in Utrecht. This time we sold only necklaces, rings, earring, bracelets. All of them were handmade and with
Last 2nd January, Ramos, Witness and Joyce went back to school to the Wukani Education Facility. They were very excited to go back to school and meet they new friends
In order to improve Malita’s quality of life at Bandawe school, we go shopping for different items. We can buy some of them, like the mosquito net, sugar, rice, powder