Things at Bandawe are always moving and progressing. Sometimes this happens in an almost invisible way, sometimes it is as obvious as the shining sun. Less than 3 months have
Category: Education
The main goal at Marajowi is to make sure that the kids receive good quality education. In this way, they will have more chances to be independent once older.

Coach NeededCoach Needed
Katie and Joyce are two girls with excellent potentialities, but they need a good coach to be able to reach them. Do you feel like helping them? You don’t even

Hairdresser in the makingHairdresser in the making
We hear a lot about the beauty course. “It is fun, the teacher is good and they teach us a lot of things!”. That’s what we wished to hear from

The Winner of the Raffle 2023 is….The Winner of the Raffle 2023 is….
For the second year in a row, we organized a charity raffle just before Christmas. This year the amount of tickets we sold was simply amazing. Special thanks to Anna,

New BooksNew Books
Mid terms exams just passed and both Katie and Gift did pretty well. Katie passed English, social, Chichewa and biology with good marks, whereas she failed agriculture, geography and social

Calendars flash saleCalendars flash sale
A few days ago and just for few days, we started a ‘calendars flash sale’ fundraiser. The end of the year is coming close and some of us like to

Beauty CourseBeauty Course
During our latest trip in Malawi we had the great opportunity to visit the Stepping Stones International school, meet its owner and director, but also visit the place where Joyce

A Happy MalitaA Happy Malita
Malita has always been a particularly challenging case and continuously went through a lot of difficulties both at home and at school. Her disabilities being the cause of everything. Finding

Vocational SkillsVocational Skills
Vocational skills are an essential part of Malawian life. In a country so poor, there are many who don’t have the possibility or the capability to get to higher education.

Thanks again 7AThanks again 7A
Just few weeks before leaving, also this year, we asked Flavio’s class to collect bottles to help Marajowi. WE only had 3 weeks of collection this time. Nevertheless the response