Marajowi Fundraising,Yes we made it! Biking for milk and meat at Bandawe

Biking for milk and meat at Bandawe

The students at Bandawe are thankful to Bart

Biking for a cause: this was definitely one of the most successful fundraising events we had so far.

On the 7 and 8 July, Bart biked for 460km from Dieden to Groningen and back to collect money for Marajowi. He did great, both on the bike and with the fundings. He told us that reading Marajowi did not have enough funds to cover the costs for milk and meat for the Bandawe school of the hearing impaired, urged him to immediately take action. It was a long time he was thinking about a bike tour and this gave him the perfect motivation.

In a few months he trained and started a fundraising campaign. He managed to raise 1626 EUR all on his own. The money are exactly what Marajowi needs to make sure that the 80 students at Bandawe school for the hearing impaired can drink milk three times a week and eat meat once a week.

If you want to read Bart’s story (as written by him), click on the link below. Sorry this is available in dutch only!

Story from Dieden to Groningen and back Sponsortocht verslag Marajowi

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