Marajowi News,Our Causes,Yes we made it! Starting the business

Starting the business

Thanks to his efforts, to a successful fundraising campaign and to the help of Clement and his family, Ramos is finally ready to start his business.

The shop has been selected and the grand opening is expected this week. The shop is in the centre of Nkhata Bay where most of the things happen. Thus a perfect location to be noticed and to get some customers.



Ramos has already purchased some of the items he will need to start his business: a printer, a router, two rims of paper and a phone. The owner of the shop is currently cleaning it up for him (so far it was used a storage place) and some time this week, he will be ready to start.

Ramos is extremely excited and grateful to all those who made this possible. He worked hard to reach this point and he can’t wait to start.

We wish him all the luck he needs. For the following months we will keep supporting him with some pocket money. We hope he will be able to stand on his own feet soon.

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